12 December 2003

It was a crazy week. I am so glad it's over.

We are busy getting ready for the Congressman's visit, next week. The painting of the offices went off well but the cleaning up part is a real drag. The office is a lot brighter and my office seems bigger after some clever rearranging of the furniture (if i might say so, myself :o) ). It seems the office renovation is being done in three phases; painting, cleaning and Christmas decorating. I still have some stuff to do yet. I will have to come in during the weekend (ugh).

To top the whole deal off, the Congressman's legislative aid called to change the date of the breakfast, early this morning. The director had to call all of the guests. She took it in stride though. The breakfast is now scheduled for Monday morning (bad day and time for a meeting --- especially for me........double ugh).

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