10 January 2004

Powerpoint's Limitations on Creativity

I suppose January is the month to look back at the past year check yourself for things you would want to do better and resolve to become better.

I have seen quite a bit of discussion on the web about how presentation software is limiting the creativity of the presenter. I admit to using templates for past presentations. The templates are bulleted lists. The slides are pretty much the same. I understand the frustration with presentation software limitations. In the past, i have used flipcharts and whiteboards to enhance my presentations.

In 1998, writer, Doc Searls, demonstrated the limitations of architectual design software by comparing it to the creative process of an architect in an article, It's the Story, Stupid.

Previous presentations of mine went well and I am confident that the content was substantial and terrific. I could definitely include more features in my PowerPoint presentation using HTML. Everything said. One resolution for 2004 is absolutely to improve presentation material when possible.