The Challenge of Self-Employment
The ultimate challenge of self-employment is managing yourself.
*How effectively & efficiently you use your time
*Determination, persistence and vision
*Self-confidence and how you come across with those you interact with
*Wearing many, many hats
I relish the challenge, and the freedom, and the opportunity. But, it isn't easy, and at times, it seems frightfully impossible. It takes immense faith and persistence to stay the course. And sacrifice.
And yet, I recommend it highly - if you have the stomach for it. The rewards can be immense.
19 January 2004
Hello and Welcome!!!
Thank you all for stopping by.
My name is Henry Silentman. Check out what I have to say about entrepreneurism and small business.
Name: Henry C. Silentman
Home: Farmington, New Mexico, United States
My Email Address
hsilntmn@qadas.comPrevious Posts
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