24 January 2004

Viral Marketing

What explains the success of a lot of internet companies now and in the beginning of the internet, i.e. hotmail, yahoo, blogs, etc.? The companies make use of a well thought out viral marketing program. The company will design features to make their product or service seem indespensible to users and their acquaintances. The users will become evengelists for the product. MarketingSherpa.com says that "Viral marketing is the ability to get consumers to tell each other about your product, service or Web site … so you can spend less money on advertising. It's also known as 'pass-along', 'friend-tell-a-friend', and 'evangelism' marketing."

I admit to having been caught up in the pandemic, from the indespensable Treos to the classic IKEA. Who can totally explain what make somethings uber chic, like cabbage patch dolls or web-based email? According to Reid Walker of reid-on.com, the viral marketing program, also known as a "replication strategy," had become a core strategy for internet companies to develop their markets. The strategy is making great use of the techniques of internet design to hook users and their "converts." What Mr. Wallker believed was marketing professionals would be asking "What is your 'replication strategy?'"

What has infected you?